You can also put your cross hairs on the station and click the T key (targeting and scanning) and the station will be selected, at which point, you can select Shift D and your AP will automatically go to docking approach mode to that station selected. You can click on the station with the mouse and click Shift D, or go through the menu. When you dock at the Free Trade station, remember to use Autopilot and select Dock At. Once you purchase it and it is installed, when in space flight, click the J key and you will accellerate. You can find your SETA drive at the local Free Trade Station. The SETA engine is a Singularity Engine Time Accellerator which speeds up time during Sector flights, (flights 'within' Sectors). Next, when you start up X3, you will note usually that you will need to install your SETA drive. If you purchased the Gold pack, you will not have to as your Edition of X3 will already have all the updates. When you first install X3 and get it running, if you have the PC version, you will want to go to the website and download the 2.5 update. Note that X3 Reunion is slightly different and older then X3TC, so the controls and such will be different, so this thread will deal only with X3TC Setup.
This is a Beginners Instructions thread for those that are just getting into X3 Terran Conflict.